Frequently Asked Questions

What are our fees?

Here at Childcare Socials, we believe it’s important to meet the needs and budgets of all services. We have implemented a tiered pricing structure to help ensure everyone is able to benefit from our services.

How does social media support the National Quality Standards?

Social media is used to inform, engage, and communicate with the community and education and care sector. The Childcare Socials team all come from the Early Education and Care sector, and we understand the importance of ensuring community connections within your service as we move towards a more digital future.

How will Childcare Socials support my business?

Families use social media when they start looking for a service, it is just as important to have strong social media platforms as a marketing tool as word of mouth is. By utilising social media this can increase occupancy levels at your service and ensure you are noticed by the community. We take the stress out of marketing your service by doing it all for you.

Do we get any creative say in the social media posts?

Yes, the Childcare Socials team will aim to liaise with clients on their vision.

How do you individualise the posts to my service?

The Childcare Socials team will work closely to ensure our clients service philosophy is embedded in all our social media work. We endeavour to research your local community to gain knowledge which will enhance the originality of your social media presence.

Why is it encouraged to have both face book and Instagram?

It is encouraged to utilise both face book and Instagram as we move towards a more digital age, ensuring we broaden our target audience.


Many services leave their social media platforms to the youngest educator who they think is savvy. Many of these staff do not know the best time to post, hashtags to use and do not research your local community. We do. By using our many years of experience in the sector, you will be confident all your social platform needs will be taken care of and hit targets above your expectations. Why choose us? Give us a call to find out.

0439 654 733

Thank you! We look forward to working with you.